Company policy


ORKP Ltd seeks to meet the quality requirements of customers and other stakeholders to ensure their satisfaction as part of a commercially viable operation. This satisfaction is assured through compliance of products and services with requirements, promptness and accuracy in delivery, and adherence to expert standards of service. Our aim is to maintain and build on our reputation for satisfying the customer.

The operations of ORKP Ltd comply with employee health and safety requirements by ensuring that the work does not cause injury, disability or occupational illness. We seek to provide a working environment that is comfortable and accident-free, and our safety programme is committed to continuous improvement, ergonomic enhancement of working methods and accident prevention, in accordance with statutory health and safety provisions and other relevant official rules and guidelines. We pay special attention to reducing the risk of industrial accidents in our work.

OKRP Ltd is committed to continuously improving its environmental and safety operations, preventing environmental pollution, and complying with statutory environmental protection provisions and other relevant official rules and guidelines. We pay special attention to reducing the volume of mixed waste created in our work, and to continuously ensuring falling volumes and correct handling of hazardous waste. We encourage commitment by our staff to realising our environmental objectives, and we give preference to subcontractors who appreciate and recognise the environmental aspects of their operations and act responsibly to reduce environmental impacts.

Our quality assurance system is based on the ISO 9001 and EN3834-2 standards, our environmental system is based on the ISO 14001 standard, and our safety system is based on the OHSAS 18001 standard.

Marko Hiltunen
Managing Director